Bob Scottland Retired RN

  1. ¿Qué es una inyección de vitamina C?

    Todos estamos familiarizados con tomar píldoras de vitamina C para estimular regularmente nuestro sistema inmunológico y para el mantenimiento de la salud en general. Las inyecciones de vitamina C no son un método de ingesta en el que las personas piensen comúnmente, pero se usan ampliamente para tratar la deficiencia de vitamina C y otras dolencias. La mayoría de las personas que se inyectan vitamina C tienen una afección o enfermedad específica que creen que mejorará si se inyectan altas dosis de vitamina C junto con otros tratamientos.vitamin c injection box label

    Una inyección de vitamina C requiere ácido ascórbico en forma líquida, una aguja y una jeringa. Estas tres cosas se utilizan para inyectar en el músculo (intramuscular) o vena

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  2. Aprenda todo sobre sus valores de vitamina B12

    ¿Cuál es el rango normal de vitamina B12?

    La vitamina B12 es esencial para nuestro organismo. Protege nuestras funciones nerviosas, ayuda a la producción saludable de células sanguíneas y promueve las funciones cerebrales. ¡Asegurarse de obtener suficiente B12 en su sistema asegurará que su cuerpo funcione de la mejor manera, lo que le permitirá concentrarse en lograr sus objetivos y llevar un estilo de vida más saludable!

    Es importante verificar que sus niveles de vitamina B12 estén dentro del rango normal. Si tiene una deficiencia de B12, esto puede ser extremadamente dañino para sus órganos vitales, especialmente a largo plazo.

    Puede leer sobre los síntomas de la deficiencia de vitamina B12 en nuestro artículo Deficiencia de vitamina B12. Si experimenta sensaciones de hormigueo en las extrem

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  3. The ins and outs of injecting vitamin B12 and Vitamin B complex, including safety, locating vitamin B injecting sites, the different types of vitamin B injections, needle disposal, and how and where to inject vitamin B-12 and B-complex


    How to know if you are B12 deficient

    Testing can help you find out if your body is properly metabolizing vitamin B12 from the foods and supplements that you ingest. If you are suffering some of the signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, then it is time to have your vitamin B12 levels tested. Chronic low levels can cause ongoing damage to nerves and brain...

    Read More about how to find out if you are B12 deficient using blood tests and MMA testing, and what the results mean.

    How to inject vitamin B12 in your arm

    B-12 injections are often given in the arm and especially, in medical terms, the deltoid part of the shoulder. The name for injections

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  4. Where to give B12 vitamin shots?

    Where to administer vitamin B12 injections, an easy guide

    There are many locations you can use to administer a vitamin B12 shot into the body. It is likely that each person will have their own favorite location to give and receive shots, depending on ease of use and personal choice.

    We’re all different! Individual pain tolerance, health status, preference and reasons for self-injecting, and the desired outcome of the vitamin play a role in determining the ideal site of injection for each and every one of us. But don’t worry - we’re here to help you decide on which is best for you.

    Upper arm injections

    mans shoulderThe upper arm is generally recommended for younger vitamin B12 users. One of the many perks of being young! This is because the muscles within the u

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  5. How to inject vitamin B12 in your arm

    Instructions to inject vitamin B12 into your arm

    B-12 injections are often given in the arm and especially, in medical terms, the deltoid part of the shoulder.
    See the image for the exact spot

    The name for injections in this area are called “intramuscular” because the needle must penetrate the muscle to deliver your vitamin B-12 so that it is quickly delivered where your body needs it.

    fitness woman showing armWhy many people and doctors choose the deltoid part of the shoulder to give intramuscular injections is because there is less fat tissue there than in other areas such as the buttocks and hips.

    This makes it easier to ensure your B12 gets right into the muscle and not into the fat or lost somewhere in between.

    Proper training is very

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  6. How to inject vitamin B12 into your belly

    If you need guidelines, or plan on injecting B-12 into your belly area, here’s how to do it.

    Well, injecting into the belly area is a simple and basically painless procedure, so it isn’t much to worry about in that regard. Just follow the correct steps and you’ll do just fine. The Abdomen is an easy place for most people to access when self-injecting vitamin B-12, which is why it is a very common area for B-12 injections. The name for the method of injecting into the belly (abdomen) area is subcutaneous injection. It is named that because the B12 is delivered into the fat below your skin and above your muscle. See e

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  7. Helpful B12 Injecting Advice from a Retired RN

    Cautions and Tips for Proper Injecting

    nurse cartoon injection
    Throughout my many years as a nurse I picked up quite a few helpful tips to alleviate my patients anxieties and minimize their discomfort. I also self-inject and found these tips helpful for myself, so I wanted to share them with you.

    1. Take caution if you only use one needle to withdraw and inject your B-vitamins. Needle tips are very fragile, and they can easily be bent or dulled with just one use such as withdrawing your vitamins. The slightest bump to the side of an ampule or vial can damage the needle tip.

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  8. Cómo realizar una inyección subcutánea de vitamina B12 o complejo B


    ¿Qué es una inyección subcutánea?

    La inyección subcutánea es un método de inyección de medicamentos o vitaminas. El método se utiliza para inyectar sustancias entre la piel y el músculo, es decir, en el tejido graso. Este método es más lento que las inyecciones venosas e intramusculares y permite la absorción de sustancias durante un período de veinticuatro horas.

    Comprender los métodos adecuados para administrar una inyección subcutánea puede hacer que el procedimiento sea prácticamente indoloro. La autoadministración de una inyección de vitamina B12 es algo que cualquiera puede hacer, pero se debe aprender de un profesional capacitado.  

    Cabe señalar que pequeños volúmenes de hasta 2 ml son las cantidades de dosis seguras recomendadas para inyecciones subcutáneas. Las dosis

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