
  1. How do you inject B-100 Complex?

    Injecting vitamin B-100 Complex, dosages and methods

    How do you inject B-100 Complex?

    B-100 Complex is injected using the intramuscular or intravenous method. The injections are given in the identified regions best suited for these types of injections, and intravenous is normally done only by medical professionals and usually in a hospital setting.

    Hint: To lessen the sting of the B complex vitamins, B-100 Complex is often injected when combined with Vitamin B-12.

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  2. Top 14 medical reasons requiring Vitamin B12 injections

    The Top 14 medical ailments requiring B-Vitamin Injections

    Many people are unaware that quite a few medical diseases and conditions require vitamin B12 and B-Complex injections as part of their treatments. In this article we touch on many but not all medical conditions requiring vitamin B12 injections to assist patient recovery and continued maintenance for their fight against these debilitating illnesses.Vitamin B12 is crucial to maintaining proper health and assists in thousands of bodily processes.

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  3. Trivit-B Complex uses, cautions and benefits

    Trivit-B Complex

    Trivit-B is a B-Complex vitamin solution that comes in 3ml ampoules, each containing 1000mcg vitamin B-12, 100mg vitamin B1 and 50mg vitamin B6.


    Trivit-B Complex


    Trivit-B Complex is often prescribed to treat the following:

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  4. How do you inject Trivit-B Complex?

    Injecting Trivit-B Complex

    Trivit-B Complex is normally injected using the intramuscular method of injection. This means that the injection is given in the identified regions best suited for this type of injection that is directly administered into the muscle. Needle gauge and length vary by body type so consult with your healthcare professional to choose which is best for your use. The how-to is located here: How to Perform an Intramuscular Injection.

    The How-To link does not take the place of professional healthcare tutelage. Before you decide to undertake self-injection, first consult a nurse practitioner or doctor to learn the proper method of identifying and cleaning the injection site, how-to properly open the ampoules and the administration of the contents. Prior to using this supplement, discuss with your healthcare professional all OTC and prescription medicines you are currently

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  5. How Vitamin B-12 Injections Saved My Life

    Sam’s Real Life Story of 30 Years of Vitamin B12 Injections

    I first became acquainted with Sam in 2012 while traveling throughout South East Asia, but his long history of Vitamin B12 injections is something he just recently revealed. The following is Sam’s story in his own words.

    For many years I found myself mostly living in Asia. One day in India, without an obvious reason, I found myself extremely energy depleted and lacking my normal cognitive sharpness. I was physically and mentally functioning at extremely lower levels than I could ever recall. Indian doctors imm

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  6. How to perform a subcutaneous Injection of vitamin B12 or B-Complex

    Subcutaneous Vitamin B12 Injections


    woman repelling down mountain


    Basically, this is an injection under the skin into the fatty tissue. It may sound unpleasant, but when done right, administering such an injection can be virtually painless, and will allow the absorption of vitamin B12 over a 24-hour period. A dosage of 2ml is recommended as safe, anything more could cause irritation at the injection site. As with anything healthcare-related, it should be learnt from a professional.

    Instructions for self-administering

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  7. Vitamin B12 Testing: Why, How and What the Results Reveal

    Do you feel as though you're not functioning at your full potential and want to find out why?

    • Have you been feeling low on energy, depressed in mood and unable to think clearly or focus for long periods and can't quite place your finger on the cause?
    • Do you eat well, exercise and try to get enough sleep, but your body seems to be functioning at sub-par levels?
    • Are you experiencing unusual numbness or tingling in your limbs?
    • Did you discover that you show many signs and symptoms listed for vitamin B12 deficiency?  

    It's time you find out if you are vitamin B12 deficient. Discover why and how to test your

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  8. What Every Vegetarian and Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12, Part 2

    Vegetarians and Vegans and Vitamin B12 - Part 2

     “How do Vegans and Vegetarians Get Enough B12?”

    Vitamin B12 cannot be obtained from plants because they do not use B12 or store it. It has been discovered that plants containing vitamin B12 actually have what are known as B12 analogs named cobamides. These B12 analog cobamides prohibit B12 absorption therefore increasing the need for the real vitamin B12. Consuming these foods contributes to vegans and vegetarians B12 deficiencies.

    Quite a bit of research is available about plants that were thought to provide adequate B12 but then were discovered instead to contain cobamides. Fermented soy, seaweed and spirulina are examples of foods containing these cobamides.

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  9. What Every Vegetarian and Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12

    What Should all Vegetarians and Vegans Know About Vitamin B12

    Vegetarian and Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12

    Choosing a meatless diet or a diet void of meat and animal products can open the door to vitamin deficiency. Even when well fed and well read, sometimes it simply comes down to scientific fact. Vitamin B12 can only be found in meats and animal products.

    If you are a vegan or vegetarian, you might notice the signs and symptoms of B12 deficiency and not been correctly diagnosed. The reason for your sluggishness, memory lapses and sub-par cognitive abilities could be that you are deficient of one of the most important vitamins humans need.

    Even if you test in the normal American acceptable

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  10. The Benefits and Risks of B12 Injections Part 2

    The Benefits and Risks of B12 Injections Part II

    B12 Injection Benefits

    • B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the liver, however, B12 is water-soluble and all unused excess is flushed from the body. Therefore poses no, too little risk. In healthy individuals, no adverse effects has been reported from excessive vitamin B12 intake from food and supplements.
    • Helps lower fatigue by restoring B12 to healthy levels.
    • Helps Increase muscle mass by helping in the production of creatine.
    • Touted for increasing metabolism and helping people with weight loss. Regulates hormonal production and might increase energy, improve sleep, enhance athletic performance and possibly change appetite.
    • Many persons regularly injecting vitamin B12 state that it improves skin,
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Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is only for general interest and informational purposes, and is in no way meant to be used to diagnose or prescribe medication or supplementation of any kind to treat any illnesses or symptoms of illnesses. The treatment of illnesses and symptoms mentioned in this website should only be performed in consultation with your physician. In addition, the use, administration and discontinuation of use, of any vitamin supplements purchased on this website should be performed only under the guidance of your physician. Copyright © 2023 B12 Vitamin Store, Inc. All rights reserved.