Sam’s Real Life Story of 30 Years of Vitamin B12 Injections

I first became acquainted with Sam in 2012 while traveling throughout South East Asia, but his long history of Vitamin B12 injections is something he just recently revealed. The following is Sam’s story in his own words.

For many years I found myself mostly living in Asia. One day in India, without an obvious reason, I found myself extremely energy depleted and lacking my normal cognitive sharpness. I was physically and mentally functioning at extremely lower levels than I could ever recall. Indian doctors immediately did a battery of stool tests to look for the common culprit parasites, which are very common in the region, especially in foreigners.

After doing 2 tests with different labs, time was expiring quickly and it felt like I was also. I headed back to the USA and some western medicine, and once again they immediately requested stool and blood tests, and they both came back with normal results. I had these tests in both California and Washington state with the same procedures providing the same results.

The costs for these tests in the good ole USA were 20 times or more than what I was charged in Asia, yet yielded the same results. I was getting nowhere with neither Asian nor Western mainstream medicine. I knew I had to look elsewhere.

For over a decade I had an excellent vegetarian diet, yet my anemia continued to deepen. It was suggested I do acupuncture but after several acupuncture sessions, they had done nothing to improve my condition. The acupuncturist then suggested I see a healthcare practitioner at the healing arts center.

Diagnosing My Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The first thing the guy wanted was a stool test and I almost hit the ceiling! Seriously, after all I had told him of my history, that was still his first request. But hey, okay, I’ll bring one, after all, at this point I was growing desperate. He also offhandedly mentioned that it might be a B12 deficiency causing my issue, but he doubted it. However, for $50.00 he gave me an injection of vitamin B-12. I left the office to drive home and was supposed to return the next day.

After 15 minutes driving I had to pull over. My energy was soaring -big time- I immediately went to use a pay phone and called the Dr. to tell him how I was feeling. He said "That's a B12 deficiency, if you feel that much better that quickly, then we nailed the cause of your woes." Wow! I was ecstatic.

That was thirty years ago and now I regularly inject 1ml every few weeks or so. I had been doing it at a hospital but the cost was prohibitive. You have to pay for a Dr. visit plus the charge for the injection and it can be up to $100, so I started to buy the needles, syringes and B12 and do them myself at a cost of only a few dollars per injection!

I know that today many vegan and vegetarians are aware that after several years of adhering to these types of diets it is quite possible to have a vitamin B12 deficiency, but back then it wasn’t on the radar.

Photo: Sam 2018

How Vitamin B-12 Injections Saved My Life

I'm still eating a 95% vegetarian diet, so I learned the hard way about not getting enough Vitamin B12. The injections are needed as taking tablets is a waste of time, they didn’t work and were not absorbed into my body. Sublingual’s also give you very little compared to the injections, so if your body must have vitamin B-12 due to deficiency, I recommend injections.

I started the vitamin B-12 injections when I was aged fifty and I just turned eighty. I haven’t gone without my weekly or bi-weekly B12 injection for thirty years.

I had a happy ending after all!
