Vitamin B12

  1. Now Shipping B12 Injections to Hong Kong and UAE

     Introducing our Latest Destinations: Hong Kong and the UAE! 

    We're thrilled to share the incredible news that as of June 2023, we have expanded our reach for our vitamin B12 and vitamin C injections to two incredible new countries.  



    Welcome aboard, Hong Kong (HK) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)! 

    We couldn't be more delighted to extend our services to the vibrant city of Hong Kong and the majestic landscapes of the UAE.

    Now, our high-quality B-12 and vitamin C shots are just a click away for our amazing customers in these fantastic countries.




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  2. Are you getting enough Vitamin B12 from the foods you eat?

    Are you getting enough Vitamin B12 from the foods you eat?

    Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamin, is the largest and most complex vitamin that exists. It can be consumed in large doses because any excess is eliminated by the body but is also stored in the liver for up to a year to be used when supplies are low. Certain foods, if prepared properly and consumed in adequate quantities, can provide some individuals enough B vitamins to keep them in good health. Medical studies have shown that a greater number of people don't get enough B vitamins strictly from eating B-rich foods. Ten to thirty percent of older people may not absorb vitamin B12 well. A healthy lifestyle should include a diet that includes as much B vitamins as possible.

    For your body to achieve maximum health, you must be sure to consume ample amounts of vitamin B rich foods.  By eating a balanced diet containing many produce and whole grains, it’s fairly easy to get most B vitamins, but v

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  3. Trivit B News Update

    trivit b complex ampoulesDiscontinued production of Trivit-B

    TP Drug has decided to discontinue production of its Trivit-B product, but we are happy to let you know that we managed to purchase big stock from their last production lot, which has an expiration date of January 2024.
    Additionally, we have some products still in stock now and ready to ship.

    However, since this is one of our most favored products and sales are going fast, we will be selling the Trivit B vitamins on a first come basis until our stock is liquidated, so if you use it regularly, shop and stock your Trivit-B Complex ampules now!

    Call or email us with any questions or inquiries. +1 877 251-3501


    Wishing you well from all of us at the B12 Vitamin

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  4. How long does a B12 injection Last?

    It is hard to say with 100% accuracy how long vitamin B12 injection last in the body. It all depends on how your body reacts to vitamin B12 shots and the frequency that you inject. In other words it’s slighty different for everyone.

    Many studies show that people are unable to absorb or store sufficient amounts of vitamin B12. These absorption and storage issues stem from a variety of reasons and range from serious (medical) to benign (diet). Many people use B12 injections as opposed to oral supplements, as injections are more easily and quickly absorbed by the body.

    However, one reputable source, written by Larry E. Johnson, MD, PHD at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, explains that when people can properly absorb and store vitamin B12, it is stored within the body from between 3 to 5 years.

    Just one of the thousands of reasons the b

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  5. Can you overdose on Vitamin B12?


    A large amount of research has been done on the effects of vitamin B12 on the body and any negative effects that can occur through its use. Much scientific research suggests that it is practically impossible to overdose on vitamin B12 – however, there can be side effects.

    The fact there is currently no designated maximum dosage of vitamin B12 demonstrates its incapability for overdose with any serious negative effects – so there’s no bad news here.

    The vitamin has been researched extensively throughout recent years due to its growing popularity as a necessary supplement in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As of yet, research has suggested it is quite a safe supplement to implement within your routine.

    So, the answer is no, you can not overdose on B12 vitamins!

    How long does B12 stay in your body?

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  6. Now Supplying Canada with Vitamin B12 and B-Complex Injections

    A warm welcome to all Canadians needing Vitamin B12 and B-Complex injections in Ampoules and 10ml Vials.

    We now ship to Canada, fast shipping from USA, so now you all can profit from our low prices for all your B12, B11 and other B injectables!


    See and SHOP all products HERE

    Pay special attention to our SPECIALS and COMBO

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  7. B12 injectables now shipping to Canada!

    B12 and B-Complex Vitamin Injections, now availabe in Canada!

    Safely buy Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injections and B-Complex. After supplying many happy and satisfied customers all over the USA, we now ship to Canada too!

    Check our special offers : Special offers B12 vitamin injections for Canada!

    We are also offer

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  8. 5 Reasons You Need More Vitamin B12

    5 Reasons You Need More Vitamin B12 in Your Body

    5 Reasons You Need More Vitamin B12
    Today it is not uncommon to know someone with diabetes or celiac disease and of course we all know people that drink alcohol regularly, so this is a great article to share with friends and family.

    Why all humans need vitamin B12 is a lengthy and impressive list. Just a few of the things vitamin B12 does is protect your nervous system, create DNA and RNA the building blocks of each cell in your body, assists hormone production, aid cognitive abilities, protect the heart, turn food into fuel, elevate moods and keep you

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  9. The Benefits and Risks of B12 Injections Part 2

    The Benefits and Risks of B12 Injections Part II

    B12 Injection Benefits

    • B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the liver, however, B12 is water-soluble and all unused excess is flushed from the body. Therefore poses no, too little risk. In healthy individuals, no adverse effects has been reported from excessive vitamin B12 intake from food and supplements.
    • Helps lower fatigue by restoring B12 to healthy levels.
    • Helps Increase muscle mass by helping in the production of creatine.
    • Touted for increasing metabolism and helping people with weight loss. Regulates hormonal production and might increase energy, improve sleep, enhance athletic performance and possibly change appetite.
    • Many persons regularly injecting vitamin B12 state that it improves skin,
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  10. The Benefits and Risks of B12 Injections

    The Benefits and Risks of B12 Injections Part 1

    Vitamin B12 deficiency is now thought to be far more common than previously suspected. In fact, scientists now believe that it might be one of the most common nutrient deficiencies. This is especially true for strict vegans and vegetarians, elderly, diabetics, and those taking antibiotic medications or drugs that alter stomach acidity. Those taking birth control or undergoing hormonal replacement therapy should also consider monitoring their B12 levels. For these reasons and many more, B12 injections are prescribed to repair the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency.

    Common B12 deficiency symptoms are low concentration, fatigue, weakness and depressed moods. B12 deficiency can effect red blood cell formation and elevate homocysteine levels causing consequences that are more serious. 

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is only for general interest and informational purposes, and is in no way meant to be used to diagnose or prescribe medication or supplementation of any kind to treat any illnesses or symptoms of illnesses. The treatment of illnesses and symptoms mentioned in this website should only be performed in consultation with your physician. In addition, the use, administration and discontinuation of use, of any vitamin supplements purchased on this website should be performed only under the guidance of your physician. Copyright © 2023 B12 Vitamin Store, Inc. All rights reserved.