Peripheral Neuropathy Treatments Using B12 Injections
What are peripheral neuropathy symptoms and how does vitamin B12 treat it?
There is a clear and proven link between vitamin B12 deficiency and peripheral neuropathy. If you are experiencing symptoms of Peripheral neuropathy and need B12 injections then don’t hesitate to shop B12 injections now to start your supplementation program.
If you have it or don’t know what it is, you should have yourself checked as soon as possible!
The symptoms can be
- Tingling or burning sensation in hands, arms and legs
- A loss of balance and decreased coordination
- Weakened muscles
- Uncontrollable sweating
More Peripheral neuropathy symptoms below
You should take great care to prevent further damage, as ignoring symptoms can have long-term consequences.
Let’s talk you through the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, how B12 injections can help treat and prevent further nerve damage in the future, and how to use them.
You ready, here we go.
What is Peripheral neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy occurs when nerves in the limbs and extremities become damaged, so the phrase essentially means ‘nerve damage’. This results in a number of symptoms.
Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms
- Sensory nerve damage involves injury to the nerves that help carry information from the skin to the central nervous system. This results in a tingling or burning sensation in the affected areas, as well as a lack of sensation and the inability to feel changes in temperature. On the other hand, sensory nerve damage can also lead to increased sensitivity to touch.
- Damage to the motor neurons, which are linked to movement, can lead to weakened muscles, making it difficult to get around. A loss of balance and decreased coordination can also occur as a result.
- Autonomic nerves, which control both voluntary and involuntary bodily functions such as blood pressure, may also be affected. The primary symptoms related to autonomic nerve damage include nausea and vomiting, in addition to uncontrollable sweating, an irregular heart rate and the reduced ability to swallow.
What are the causes of Peripheral Neuropathy?
There are a few diseases and illnesses that can cause peripheral neuropathy, the most common causes being Type 1 and 2 Diabetes. Over time, high blood sugar levels can cause damage to the nervous system, while medications prescribed to maintain blood sugar levels can also lead to B12 deficiency.
Of course, it’s best to avoid damage to the nerves in the first place by following your doctor’s advice and making changes to your lifestyle that keep your blood sugars at the recommended levels.
However, when damage has already occurred or occurs as the result of using prescribed medications, it is essential that you follow the right steps.
Symptoms of B12 Deficiency
The symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include a mixture of the physical symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy, as well as cognitive issues:
Physical Symptoms
- Peripheral Neuropathy – experiencing unpleasant sensations in the extremities (the hands, arms, legs and feet) due to nerve damage, such as those listed above
- Despite feeling the minor irritating phenomenon of ‘pins and needles’, persistently feeling the sensation may suggest that you have nerve damage, which should be taken seriously
- Issues with your eyesight, such as visual disturbances or impairments
- Experiencing paralysis in areas such as the extremities can suggest that nerve damage has become severe, so medical intervention should be sought as soon as possible.
Cognitive Symptoms
These are related to mental functions within the brain. You may not notice that you’re experiencing these symptoms yourself, so it’s important to talk to those around you to see if they’ve noticed any changes in your behavior recently.
- Experiencing memory loss or dementia
- Issues with concentrating on tasks
- Persistent lowered mood or depression
- Mania – extreme and uncharacteristically elevated moods
- Entering non-responsive states, or becoming catatonic
- Experiencing symptoms associated with schizophrenia
- Episodes of psychosis, delusions and delirium
Other Conditions
A variety of other conditions can also cause peripheral neuropathy.
These include
- Actual physical nerve damage as the result of surgery or injury
- Having an overactive immune system (seen in conditions such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and celiac disease)
- Excessive long-term alcohol consumption
- Certain types of cancers
- B12 deficiency
No matter which condition has led you to searching for treatment for peripheral neuropathy, B12 injections can help protect the nerves. Injections are also beneficial to those suffering from conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease and lupus, as these can prohibit the effective absorption of vitamin B12 found naturally within the diet.
How do B-12 injections help treat peripheral neuropathy?
As the vitamin is essential in maintaining good nerve health, administering regular B12 injections can counteract peripheral neuropathy caused by the variety of medical conditions we discussed above.
This form of treatment has been found to be particularly beneficial when it comes to reducing nerve damage pain and symptoms in diabetes patients. Along with high blood sugar levels causing damage to nerves, the medicines prescribed to maintain blood sugar levels can also contribute to B-12 deficiencies. B-12 injections work to protect the nerves, while also reducing the vitamin deficiency that may be causing further damage.
In many cases B-12 injections are more beneficial to use than oral doses. The reason is that injections are more easily absorbed by the body, particularly if you have underlying conditions that may lead to an inability to efficiently absorb the vitamin, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Celiac Disease.
Vitamin B-12 aids the development and maintenance of what is known within medical lingo as the ‘myelin sheath.’ This is a protective layer formed around the nerves, so when deficiency occurs, this layer can become damaged. This leaves the nerves themselves more susceptible to injury, which leads to the odd range of sensations we described above.
Administering regular B12 injections can help the regeneration of the myelin sheath and protect the nerves. This is particularly important if you have found you are susceptible to developing peripheral neuropathy, no matter what it is caused by.
B12 injection treatment advice
While your doctor may prescribe a specific regimen that suits your exact medical needs, the guideline recommended treatment for peripheral neuropathy using vitamin B12 injections is as follows:
- Daily injections of 1,000mcg for at least five days
- Followed by 1,000mcg injections administered once per week, for a period of five weeks
- Eventually, injections may be reduced to just 1000mcg, once a month, but you may be required to administer them for the rest of your life
- Most injection regimens are tailored to the individual since people absorb and utilize the vitamin differently.
Please note that the range of symptoms experienced and the causes of peripheral neuropathy we have discussed above is not exhaustive. You should always consult a medical professional if you think you are suffering from nerve damage and then work together to find the origin of the problem. Even if you are working to protect the nerves with the use of vitamin B12 injections we recommend consulting a doctor.
Take Away
Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by serious conditions, and it’s vital that you don’t ignore the cause behind the issue itself and immediately seek medical diagnosis if you are experiencing signs and symptoms.
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