B12 Vitamin Store Needle and Syringe Information
The B12 Vitamin Store does not sell needles and syringes. It is more price effective for our customers to supply themselves from local pharmacies or online retailers. If you need help, consult your health professional for recommendations, or type “buy needles and syringes” into your search engine of favorite online retailer.
Many of our customers purchase their needles and syringes at their local Walgreens or CVS pharmacies.
For convenience, we have supplied a few links below. We have no direct affiliation with these suppliers but find them to have good selections and prices.
Supplies needed for injecting Vitamin B12 and B-Complex
23-25 gauge needle, 1- 1 ½” length for “Intramuscular Injection” Your healthcare professional will instruct per your body type and injection location.
25-29 gauge needle 1/2”- 1” length for “Subcutaneous Injection” depending upon angle of injection and whether you pinch or don’t pinch the skin at the injection point.
Alcohol wipes
1-4ml syringe depending upon injection quantity.
Sharps biohazard container for needle disposal.
Helpful B12 Injecting Advice from a Retired RN
How to perform a B12 intramuscular injection
Subcutaneous Injection of B vitamins