About B Vitamins

What each of the eight B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12 do for the human body.

Maintaining proper dosages of B vitamins is essential for a healthy life. In fact, they are so important that we can't live without them, so we all need to eat plenty of foods containing B vitamins. Our bodies are incapable of storing all ofhiker standing on mountain looking at green valley below the B vitamins except vitamin B12.

A healthy person that has no affliction hampering vitamin B12 absorption or liver function can store vitamin B12 in their liver for up to one year. However, this storage can be depleted or hampered for various reasons, such as medical illnesses and certain prescription drugs.

The eight B Vitamins are referred to as the B complex vitamins and they all assist the body in using fats and proteins. The eight B vitamins are Vitamin B1 Thiamin, B2 Riboflavin, B3 Niacin/Niacinamide, B5 Pantothenic Acid, B6 Pyridoxine, B7 Biotin, B9 Folic acid and B12 Cobalamin.

A short list of the things B vitamins are needed for are healthy skin, hair, eyes, liver, nervous system, DNA synthesis, cognitive functions and a healthy heart. This is not a complete list of what the B complex vitamins perform or assist, they are needed for thousands of bodily processes, and each of the B vitamins serves its own extended purpose. All of the B vitamins help the body convert food into fuel.

The importance of a proper diet can never be underestimated. Eating a balanced and varied diet contributes directly to good health, and good health contributes to a high-quality life. For your specific dietary vitamin needs, ask your health care professional, homeopathic or nutritionist for a list of B vitamin appropriate foods.

If you think that you are not getting enough vitamins or minerals in your diet, you may choose to take a dietary supplement. Furthermore, if you are one of the many that have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12, then B12 injections might be necessary so that your body can get the vitamin B12 it needs.

In most cases, B vitamin supplements are handled well, but before undertaking regular B complex or B12 supplementation, always consult your healthcare professional. Tell him or her all the prescription, OTC and herbal medicines that you are currently taking.

Some of the top reasons people choose to supplement with B Vitamins are for increased energy, B12 deficiencies, weight loss, cognitive improvement, stress management and general well-being.
In this section, you can find out what each of the B vitamins do for the body. Find out if you are B vitamin deficient and need vitamin B12 or B-Complex injections.


Vitamin B1 Thiamin or Thiamine

Vitamin B1 is now referred to as the vitamin Thiamine and was one of the first compounds to be recognized as a vitamin.

There are a multitude of bodily functions that Thiamine is involved, including muscle function, the nervous system, flow of electrolytes in and out of nerve and muscle cells, carbohydrate metabolism and digestion. Depletion easily occurs because the human body stores little amounts...

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Vitamin B2 Riboflavin

Vitamin B2 Riboflavin is needed by the body to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Additionally it enables the body to use oxygen, a crucial component for bodily function and life. Without oxygen assimilation, the body is unable to survive. Riboflavin is often used in combination with other B vitamins in a B vitamin complex…

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Vitamin B3 Niacin - Niacinamide

Vitamin B3 consists of niacin and niacinamide. B3 is found in many foods and is often added to supplements in combination with other B vitamins. Besides helping to convert carbohydrates into glucose (fuel) to produce energy, niacin helps the body to create various sex and stress related hormones located in the adrenal glands. It also improves circulation and suppresses inflammation…

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Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid

B5 is another of the B family. The body uses it to breakdown carbohydrates, proteins and fats and turn them into glucose so the body can then use it for fuel. B5 plays a critical role in manufacturing red blood cells and sex and stress related hormones that are produced in the adrenal glands.It also helps the body use other vitamins, particularly B2/riboflavin, and further contributes to maintaining a healthy digestive tract. Vitamin B5 is commonly referred to as the anti-stress vitamin, but that claim has not been scientifically substantiated...

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Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine

In addition to its common name, you may find vitamin B-6 listed as pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxal-5-phosphate or pyridoxine hydrochloride. Vitamin B6 is the generic name for six compounds referred to as vitamers with B6 activity. These are pryidoxine (an alcohol), pyridoxal (an aldehyde), and pyridoxamine which contains an amino group that includes their 5’ - phosphate esters. Pyridoxal 5’ phosphate is referred to as PLP and pyridoxamine 5’ phosphate PMP, are the active coenzyme forms of vitamin B6 [1,2]...

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Vitamin B7 Biotin

Usually referred to as Biotin or B7, it is also known as vitamin H. It is the sixth of the eight B vitamins. Discovered in the 40’s, it was found that the substance named avidin found in egg whites is a glycoprotein that binds with biotin thus preventing its absorption. Biotin metabolizes sugars and fats in the body creating energy. An enzyme named acetyl Co-A carboxylase needs biotin to function properly. This enzyme forms the building blocks of fat production in the body. Because all cell membranes in the body require the correct fat components for effective functioning, this enzyme is critical to the human body...

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Vitamin B12 Cobalamin

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and therefore the leftovers are disposed through urine. However, of all the B vitamins, B12 is the only one that the body can store and it can be stored in the liver for up to a year. There are three type of vitamin B12; they are Hydroxocobalamin, Methylcobalamin and Cyanocobalamin.

B12 is regularly used in combination with other B vitamins in a B complex formulation. Vitamin B12 is bound to the proteins in food and it requires stomach acid during digestion to release the B12 from the proteins. After release, it combines with a substance named intrinsic factor so that it can be absorbed into the bloodstream...

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is only for general interest and informational purposes, and is in no way meant to be used to diagnose or prescribe medication or supplementation of any kind to treat any illnesses or symptoms of illnesses. The treatment of illnesses and symptoms mentioned in this website should only be performed in consultation with your physician. In addition, the use, administration and discontinuation of use, of any vitamin supplements purchased on this website should be performed only under the guidance of your physician. Copyright © 2023 B12 Vitamin Store, Inc. All rights reserved.